Guidelines for All Exams

Whether taking the exam in person or online, you 必须 adhere to the guidelines below to ensure your work is your own and to prevent exam passages from being shared. All exams are proctored by ATA-certified translators to make sure all guidelines are being followed.

Failure to abide by these guidelines can result in forfeit of your exam registration fee, restrictions on future certification eligibility, and ATA ethics sanctioning.

你可能 使用

可以 使用

Exam passages 必须 remain private

可能不 copy, type, photograph, or otherwise capture the exam passages. 你 可能不 discuss or reveal the contents of the examination.

Signed Statement Required

必须 sign a statement acknowledging that certain activities are prohibited and the consequences of noncompliance.

Noncompliance can result in forfeit of your exam registration fee, restrictions on future certification eligibility, and ATA ethics sanctioning.

More information is available from the ATA 永利登录网址 Program Manager.



必须 bring your own laptop with the following:
• plain-text editor (WordPad for Windows or TextEdit for Mac)
• USB port for ATA-supplied USB drive

How Does the In-Person Exam Work?

你 will input your translation using WordPad for Windows or TextEdit for Mac (with grammar and spell-check utilities disabled) onto an ATA-supplied USB drive.

In the event of a technical malfunction, you can still complete the exam by hand. Therefore, you 可以 wish to bring paper dictionaries and other print resources as a backup.



必须 使用 your own computer with the following:
• front-facing webcam
• reliable internet connection with a minimum of 3 Mbps upload speed
• current version of Google Chrome or Firefox browser

必须 have a mobile device (smartphone or tablet) to 使用 as a second camera. 你 必须 download the ExamRoom.AI app for Android or i电话 before taking the exam.

必须 agree to be recorded while you take the exam. 你 and your computer activity will be monitored by proctors.

必须 meet all minimum technical requirements. 点击这里 查看完整列表.

How Does the Online Exam Work?

你 will input your translation using the vendor’s website. Grammar and spell-check utilities will be disabled, and copy/paste commands will 不 be allowed.

In the event of a technical malfunction, you 必须 contact the online exam vendor. Their contact information will be provided when you register for the exam.

如何准备 for the Exam

Exam-taking strategies, 文章, 检查清单, and advice have been gathered from successful candidates and exam graders.



The practice test is an excellent way to measure your readiness. It consists of an actual exam passage from a previous year.


How is the Exam Graded?

ATA exam results are pass or fail only. This is the prevailing practice of many high-stakes credentialing exams.


Register for an Exam

See the schedule of upcoming exams and learn how to register.